Certified Doodle


Your Career with Certified Doodle Starts Now

  • Hourly and Salaried positions available
  • Upward mobility and management opportunities
  • A clean, calm, and respectful learning environment
  • Health Benefits after one year of service for full-time employees
  • Revenue Sharing
  • Experience Preferred, will train select individuals.
Our Culture
  • You can expect to groom a lot of Doodles in a supportive, educational and team environment.
  • We maintain the highest standards of professional conduct in all interactions with clients, colleagues, and the public.
  • Learn and excel with industry leading execution as well as the latest AKC standards and social trends.
  • We support local animal shelters and rescue organizations, contributing to the welfare of animals beyond our grooming services and broadening our empathy for dogs.
  • We are committed to creating a culture of kindness, creativity, and connection. Our success is built not only on the trust and satisfaction of our clients, but on your success as well.
  • The safety and well-being of the dogs in our care are our top priorities. We apply innovative safety protocols and continuously evaluate and update our practices to ensure a secure grooming environment.

Join Our Team

need client form system.